Why Text Message Deliverability Rates are Down for Many Businesses


by Cambri Morris

Feb 13, 2023

Why Text Message Deliverability Rates are Down for Many Businesses


by Cambri Morris

Feb 13, 2023

Why Text Message Deliverability Rates are Down for Many Businesses


by Cambri Morris

Feb 13, 2023

A2P 10DLC is a system U.S. businesses can use to text their customers. The system protects customers against scams.

Text Message Deliverability Rates are Down for Many Businesses

For years, businesses have been sending text messages to their customers. This of course benefits both the business and the customer. Both parties have come to rely on text messaging as a reliable communication channel for notifications around appointments, payments, promotions, etc.

Traditionally, businesses could count on 100% of messages sent as being received by their customers. Allset has analyzed deliverability rates across tens of thousands of messages and, since the end of 2022, text messages sent from businesses to their customers have been getting delivered at slower rates than before. Many businesses and their customers are noticing that the reliability of a text message sent has dropped significantly.

Why Are Text Message Delivery Rates Down?

Recently, scammers have adopted the trend of texting people too. With the rise in the amount of scam text messages, it has started to become a serious problem for consumer protection. Customers want the security of knowing that the texts they’re getting are from brands they trust and not from scammers.

To combat these scammers and protect consumers, the major phone carriers, T-Mobile, At&t, and Verizon, have placed a regulation around business-to-consumer text messaging. It’s called “A2P 10DLC.”

What Is A2P 10DLC?

A2P stands for Application-to-Person. 10DLC represents 10-Digit Long Code.

Simply put it’s what allows businesses to send text messages using an application and a normal phone number to a customer.

Additional details about A2P 10DLC can be found here.

What Does A2P 10DLC Have To Do With My Business and My Delivery Rates?

A2P 10DLC is the regulation put in place to help protect consumers from scam text messages.

Although A2P 10DLC has been around since January 2019, it wasn't being enforced. Most businesses didn’t worry about it because they had never heard about it and it wasn’t impacting their business negatively. However, since the beginning of this year (2023) that has all changed.

T-Mobile announced they would be deactivating any A2P 10DLC numbers that are not registered. Verizon is soon to follow.

Because of this recent enforcement, deliverability rates have dropped significantly for some businesses.

What Can You Do To Prevent Negative Impacts on Your Business?

To ensure reliable deliverability rates or to get deliverability rates back to normal you need to register for A2P 10DLC. This will help all of your customers to receive the messages you send.

Businesses that don't register will continue to see worsening deliverability rates.

Allset can take care of registration for you! All text messages sent to your customers via Allset will be compliant with A2P 10DLC.  If you are an Allset customer and aren’t sure if you’re registered, email our support team and we’ll get you registered immediately.

What Is Required for A2P 10DLC registration?

For a business to register with A2P 10DLC, there are a few requirements:

  • An explanation of how your business will let customers opt-in to receive text messages.

  • What the business is/who the 10DLC users are.

  • The type of messages being sent.

  • Legal business name.

  • EIN Number.

  • Business Address.

  • Business Type.

  • Industry.

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